Kupang, E Nusa Tenggara, July 13 (Antara) -  The government has prepared adequate rice reserves to overcome the impacts of drought which is likely to cause residents suffer from food shortages in some areas, according to Vice President Jusuf Kalla.

"If the (rice) shortage occurs, the government has rice reserves which can be given directly," the vice president stated here on Sunday.

A district head can take up to 50 tons of rice from the national rice reserves and distribute it to solve the rice shortage, while a governor can distribute the rice up to 200 tons, Kalla said.

According to him, if the demand is more than 200 tons, the central government will handle it.

Apart from that, the government has also been carried out the  rice-for-the poor (Raskin) program for needy families.

In addition, the government has other kinds of assistance, so that starvation will not happen in the country, Kalla pointed out.

With regard to drought which occurs in several areas in the NTT, which leads to the food scarcity and even to cause starvation, the vice president warned that food scarcity could even lead to malnutrition. (WDY)

Pewarta: Reported by Desi Purnamawati

Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara