Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Cutlery made from enamel, which in the past is now back with the ever popular and a favorite color modification buyers at the International Exhibition of Home Appliances and Gifts Zuchex in Jakarta.

"Cutlery made from enamel is produced from the beginning of 1969, but this year we issued with bright colors and bold without changing the shape of the product meal itself," said Sales and Marketing Support Kedaung, Founda Anasita Friday.
He said products made from enamel utensils such as bowls, cups, rice bowls and pans are sold at between 50 thousand to Rp 80 thousand from the beginning was to steal the attention of buyers.

"That became a favorite motif buyer is glasses with green and white, and light blue, purple, yellow, orange and red," he said and added the company only produces cutlery made of enamel in Surabaya.

Nani Marbun, mothers who like to shop cutlery, since attending school are interested in buying a cup of green enamel.

"Very unique color and model, as has my grandmother," he said.

Operational Manager Kedaung Laili Novianti explain cutlery of enamel safe ingredient, not easily broken, not easily eroded and colors that do not easily fade.

"Enamel is also good for boiling drugs and herbs, because the danger that is not easily eroded," he said.

In addition to selling cutlery made from enamel, Kedaung also sells cutlery made of porcelain and glass. 45-year-old company that has been exported to 132 countries cutlery. (MFD)

Pewarta: Oleh Aubrey Kandelila Fanani

Editor : Mayolus Fajar Dwiyanto