Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The prosecutor during Monday's trial at West Jakarta court demanded that the terrorist defendant Umar Patek alias Abu Syeikh alias Umar Arab be sentenced to life imprisonment.
"We have asked the judge to sentence Umar Patek to life imprisonment," Prosecutor Bambang Suharyadi said here on Monday.
Patek is charged with violating article 15, paragraph 9, and article 13 from Regulation Number 15/2003 regarding terrorism. The prosecutor also charged Patek with article 340 of the law for premeditated murder; article 226, paragraphs 1 and 2, for forging documents; and article 1, Regulation Number 12/1951, for the illegal use and possession of explosive goods.
In the indictment, the prosecutor stated that in 2009, Patek had entered Indonesia with four FN guns and a revolver. Patek, according to the prosecutor, had also conducted an illegal M16 weapon trial in Lebak, Banten province.
Patek has also been charged for his alleged involvement in a bombing incident which occurred in Bali in 2002 that claimed 198 lives and the bombing of several churches in Indonesia in 2000.
After hearing the prosecutor's demand, Patek expressed his apologies for the crimes he had committed in the past.(*/DWA/IGT/T007)