Jakarta ( Antara Bali) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said here on Monday that he came to Padang, West Sumatra, to keep his promise of being with the people of the city for the Eid al Fitr celebrations this year.

"Last year, the governor invited me to celebrate Eid in Padang. Since I had promised to do so, I am here to keep that promise," he revealed after attending the evening Ramadhan prayer at Nurul Iman mosque.

President Jokowi arrived in Padang at 17.30pm, flanked by First Lady Iriana as well as his son Kaesang Pangarep and daughter Kahiyang Ayu.

He was also accompanied by Public Works Minister Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister/State Secretary Pratikno and chairman of the Regional Representatives Council, Irman Gusman.

President Jokowi informed that on the first day in Padang, he would hold a meeting with the people here at the West Sumatra grand mosque.

From Padang, Jokowi will fly to Solo, his home town, and Yogyakarta on July 7-9 to meet with local government officials and the public.

President Jokowi added that he was grateful that an agreement had been reached to declare that Eid would fall on Wednesday, July 6.

The decision was approved by both, Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama, the country's two major Islamic organizations.

"Thank God. We always expected it. We started on the same day and so we will also celebrate Eid al Fitr on the same day," he said.

After attending the evening Ramadhan prayers, President Jokowi distributed 1,000 food packages at Al Mukarramah Mosque in the village of Batang Arau, Pafang Selatan sub-district. (WDY)

Pewarta: Reporting by Bayu Prasetyo

Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara