Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The plan on keeping beef prices in check has not been implemented optimally due to which the price of the commodity could not yet be brought down, according to a minister.

"The president has given us directives since long. He has noticed that the price of beef is too high. I have to confess that the implementation of the plan is not maximal. Of course, we should take its positive aspect, so that it would not be repeated," Trade Minister Thomas Lembong noted at the Presidential Palace complex on Wednesday.

The minister affirmed that with regard to beef, inter-institution coordination was not yet maximal. There was low adherence to the already taken decisions, and it was still done with a business mind-set.

Lembong remarked that the president had issued directives that the ideal price of beef should be Rp80 thousand per kilogram (kg).

He pointed out that unlike beef, the implementation of the plan on rice was successful.

"The stock is adequate, and the price is under control," Lembong emphasized.

The minister said the plan formulated by the economic team would be among the matters to be prioritized.

"The president has urged that we all should abide by the decisions. Such decisions should not be made hastily and in a reactive manner but should be planned long before," he emphasized.

Lembong stated that efforts to reduce the price of beef can be started at the level of cattle farmers and traders.

"They complained of the high cattle feed prices and transportation cost. Actually, they should not merely complain but should be creative and innovative," he remarked.

The minister said if the price is high due to the high transportation cost as result of traffic jams, then such problems should be solved.

"Probably, transportation activities can be conducted at night when there are no traffic jams," the minister suggested.

The government has set a target to keep the beef prices in check at Rp80 thousand per kg.

Due to high demand, beef prices soared to Rp170 thousand per kg in Aceh, Rp160 thousand per kg in West Kalimantan, and Rp120 thousand per kg in Jakarta.

The government has appointed Perum Bulog and PT Berdikari to import beef and shallots to control any hike in the prices of the two commodities ahead of the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan. (WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara