Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Susi Pudjiastuti said here on Wednesday that Indonesia and China have a very good cooperation, including collaboration in the marine and fishery sector.

"Cooperative relations between China and Indonesia are still very good," she stated in a press release issued by her office.

Minister Susi received China's Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Yu Kangzhen, who was accompanied by Chinese ambassador to Indonesia Xie Feng, at her office on Tuesday.

The meeting, held over lunch, was warm, and ended with an exchange of souvenirs and a photo session.

"The catch fishery sector in Indonesia is only for Indonesian fishermen while fishery processing industry is open to all countries, including China," she explained.

Minister Susi had expressed regret over China's unilateral claim that its ship, KM Kway Fey 10078, was fishing within its traditional fishing ground when it was caught by the Indonesian authorities.

"The claim is false, unfounded and unrecognized by the international community," she had told newsmen here on March 21, 2016.

She argued that China's claim of traditional fishing ground in Natuna waters was not recognized by international laws, including the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The Fisheries and Marine Resource Ministry (KKP) patrol boat detected a ship suspected of illegally poaching in the Natuna waters at around 14.15pm Western Indonesia Time on March 19, 2016.

The ship, known later as KM Kway Fey and flying a Chinese flag, was later approached by the KKP patrol boat KP Hiu 11. Later, its agents arrested eight of the Chinese ship crew.

When KM Kway Fey was going to be taken by KKP agents, a Chinese coastguard ship suddenly came and hit KM Kway Fey, making it impossible for the ship to be carried away.

To avoid a clash, the KKP agents left KM Kway Fey and returned  to KP Hiu 11 along with the eight Chinese crew members. (WDY)

Pewarta: Reporting by Muhammad Razi Rahman

Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara