Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Former Indonesian coordinating minister for maritime affairs Indroyono Soesilo received an award from the ASEAN Federation of Engineer Organizations (AFEO) at the 33rd AFEO annual conference in Penang, Malaysia, on November 25, 2015.
"I was awarded the AFEO Distinguished Honorary Fellowship by the AFEO," Soesilo noted in a written statement received by Antara here on Friday.
Soesilo explained that the award was given to him for rendering notable services to the development of engineering in Indonesia and his efforts, which have had an impact on the Southeast Asian region.
The award was presented by AFEO Chairman Dato 'Ir. Lim Chow Hock, accompanied by AFEO Secretary General P.E Chong, to the chairman of the Indonesian Engineers Association, who is also chairman of the National Research Council, Bambang Setiadi, who received the award on behalf of Soesilo.
The AFEO selected Indroyono who has been credited for developing remote sensing technology in Indonesia.
In addition, Indroyono has developed various applications for spatial development, inventory and forest monitoring, mineral, oil and gas exploration, as well as fishing in the sea.
The AFEO also evaluated that in determining the national development policies, Indroyono always prioritized capacity building, transfer of technology, and the provision of value-added products nationwide.
Soesilo served as coordinating minister for maritime affairs during the period between October 2014 and August 2015 and was later replaced by Rizal Ramli as part of the reshuffle of the Working Cabinet for the 2014-2019 period. (WDY)
"I was awarded the AFEO Distinguished Honorary Fellowship by the AFEO," Soesilo noted in a written statement received by Antara here on Friday.
Soesilo explained that the award was given to him for rendering notable services to the development of engineering in Indonesia and his efforts, which have had an impact on the Southeast Asian region.
The award was presented by AFEO Chairman Dato 'Ir. Lim Chow Hock, accompanied by AFEO Secretary General P.E Chong, to the chairman of the Indonesian Engineers Association, who is also chairman of the National Research Council, Bambang Setiadi, who received the award on behalf of Soesilo.
The AFEO selected Indroyono who has been credited for developing remote sensing technology in Indonesia.
In addition, Indroyono has developed various applications for spatial development, inventory and forest monitoring, mineral, oil and gas exploration, as well as fishing in the sea.
The AFEO also evaluated that in determining the national development policies, Indroyono always prioritized capacity building, transfer of technology, and the provision of value-added products nationwide.
Soesilo served as coordinating minister for maritime affairs during the period between October 2014 and August 2015 and was later replaced by Rizal Ramli as part of the reshuffle of the Working Cabinet for the 2014-2019 period. (WDY)
Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara