Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Din Syamsuddin, the general chairman of Indonesia's second largest Muslim organization Muhammadiyah, has received the Lifetime Achievement Award for Religion and Culture Development in Chongqing, China.

"It's God's grace and human awards which should be grateful. Although I think what I did was only a speck of role for peace, civilization and humanity," Din said in his press release received here on Thursday.

Such award for Din was given because he was deemed on the world stage in the development of religious and cultural life, both at home and abroad.

Some of the examples such as Muhammadiyah's active role in the resolution of conflict in Mindanao in Southern Philippines and Pattani in southern Thailand.

In addition, Din also took part in organizing the 5th World Peace Forum (WPF) in Jakarta organized by Muhammadiyah few weeks ago.

The award for Din was handed by Chairman of World Chinese Economic Forum Tan Sri Michael Yeoh.

It was the 4th international award for Din after the first level award from the Kingdom of Jordan, Italian Star from the Italian Government and the top people 1434 Hijri from Penang, Malaysia. (WDY)

Pewarta: Reporting by Anom Prihantoro

Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara