Semarang, C Java (Antara Bali) - The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) is scheduled to hold its national working meeting in Semarang, Central Java, from September 19 to 21.

"The next PDIP national working meeting is aimed at solidifying the party structure from members of the central to regional executive boards, and members of the House of Representatives to regional legislative councils and from the president to regents and mayors," PDIP Secretary General Tjahjo Kumolo said here on Saturday.

The three pillars must be solid so they can mutually control the partys political decisions on the state budget, regional budgets, bylaws, and laws, he said, after attending an education and training course for party cadres at Gumaya Hotel here.

He added that the meeting will be attended by chiefs of the partys district executive boards, secretaries and treasurers of the partys provincial executive boards, regents, mayors, governors, deputy governors, chiefs of provincial legislative councils and chiefs of district legislative councils of party cadres across Indonesia, as well as President-elect Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, who is also a PDIP cadre.

"The main agenda of the national working meeting is to make a decision, as mandated by the last congress, that beginning in October 2014 the PDIP will be a party within the next government," he said.

The PDIP led the April 9, 2014 legislative elections, gaining more than 18 percent of the votes cast.

Tjahjo said at the meeting that President-elect Jokowi will issue a statement about his governments cabinet.

"He is still carefully studying how many ministries will be in his government. Whether there will be a new ministry or a merger of ministries is the presidents prerogative," he said.

All the issues will become President-elect Jokowis short-, medium-and long-term strategic plans, he said. (WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara