Kuta ( Antara Bali ) - Grand Istana Rama Hotel, Kuta, challenges dozens of journalists to join the competition on "making bed" like a "housekeeper" in the five-star hotel here on Wednesday ( 9/10 ) .

"We would like to invite journalists to participate in this unique contest in addition we also want to build and maintain good relationships with journalists, " said General Manager Grand Istana Rama, Andi Ananto .

The competition, which was attended about 60 local and national journalists seems to be "oasis" after nearly a week of tight agenda covering the APEC Summit in Nusa Dua, 1 to 8 October 2013.

Before joining the competition, the journalists took a short practice from local employees related on how to make the arrangement of beds, ranging from the installation of sheets, pillowcases, to blankets.

Having had a briefing, they then get retrace the race with a time given by the committee for only 10 minutes.

Some criterias should be fulfilled among speed, neatness, creativity, and overall appearance.

The judges finally decided Gabriela from Metro Bali newspaper as the first winner and took home a motorcycle, second place won by Kusuma of Kompas TV gets 42-inch television, and third prize won by Aris Wicaksono from SCTV, brought home a washing machine.

The committee also provides a number of prizes including a voucher to stay at the hotel and tickets entrance to Bali Safari and Marine Park.

Prior to that, the hotel which located at Jalan Pantai Kuta is routinely held different competition three times a year for the journalists namely cooking competition and mixing drinks for journalists. (DWA)

Pewarta: Oleh Dewa Wiguna

Editor : Dewa Sudiarta Wiguna