Jember (Antara Bali) - Storms have swept across the regency of Jember in East Java destroying and damaging hundreds of houses, last weekend, the regional Natural Disaster Relief Agency said.

At least 390 units of houses were destroyed and damaged in three sub-districts - Kaliwates, Patrang,  and  Sumbersari -- in the regency on Friday, head of the logistic  and emergency division of the agency  Heru Widagdo said.

Tens of  big trees were uprooted blocking roads by heavy rains  with whirlwinds and power supply  was cut leaving the city of Jember without electricity, Heru said here on Saturday.

"The number of houses damaged is not yet confirmed  as the agency still is collecting data . The number is more likely larger," he said.

Provisional figures received by the agency showed that 8 houses collapsed and 38 other had moderate  and minor damage  in the sub-district of  Kaliwates; 8 houses heavily damaged  and 175 other houses had moderate and minor damage in the sub-district of  Patrang, and 3 houses were destroyed  and 159 other houses were moderately and slightly damaged in the sub-district of Sumbersari, he said. (*/DWA)


Editor : Masuki