Denpasar (Antara Bali) - Bali's imports of components of production facilities surged 89.32 percent on-year to US$21.97 million in January 2013.

However, the imports fell 5.32 percent  from US$23.53 million in the previous month (Dec. 2012), the  provincial office of the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) said  
The BPS chief Gede Suarsa said here on Tuesday the imports of production facilities are expected to boost the economic growth of the province. The facilities imported mainly from China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and the United States are needed to produce  also exports commodities, Gede Suarsa  said.

Bali's five main imported commodities included industrial machines, electric generating equipment, golden ornaments, steel,  and watches.

Meanwhile, the province exported  US$43.85 million worth of commodities  in January, down 0.47 percent from  US$44.06 million  in the same month last year.

Provincial administration spokesman I Ketut Teneng said Bali exported stone statues worth US$11.48  million last year down 25.23 percent  from the previous year.

The exports also fell in volume  down   2.62 million units from 8.03 million units  in 2011, Ketut Teneng said. Stone statutes contributed 2.36 percent to Bali's total export earning of US$481.83 million last year.

The fall of exports was attributable to economic slow down in the main export destinations, Europe, he said. Bali has exported stone statues to Britain, France , Italy , the Netherlands and Germany. (*/DWA)


Editor : Masuki