Jakarta (Antara Bali) - House of Representatives (DPR)'s Commission IV on agriculture affairs has prepared three scenarios for the establishment of a food institution as mandated by Law No. 18/2012 on food.

Deputy Chairman of the House Commission IV Herman Khaeron said here on Sunday that there have been three food institutions in the country now.

The three are the Food Resilience Council (DKP) chaired by the president and the Food Reliance Agency (BKP) which is under the ministry of agriculture and the State Logistics Board (Bulog).

"The important thing is the institution later should be under the powers of and directly answerable to the president," Herman said.

The Commission IV chairman said the first scenario is merging the DKP and BKP and Bulog is designed to serve as an institution having the status equal to the ministry level.

The food institution will serve as a regulator (in charge of policy making) while the government could assign Bulog as the body in charge as operator. (*/M038/T007)


Editor : Nyoman Budhiana