Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The office of the state minister for public housing asks developers to build low cost apartment houses for low income people.
"We hopes developers could build apartment houses with affordable prices for low income people," Pangihutan Manurung, a deputy at the office of the public housing minister, said here on Friday.
Procurement of affordable houses for low income people is in line with the law No. 20 of 2011, that should be complied with by everyone including developers, he said.
He said supply of low cost apartment houses falls much short of requirement as most developers choose to build only luxurious apartment that give higher profit.
He said in building low cost apartment houses, developers could cooperate with regional administrations, state companies or among private developers.
He said the office of the public housing minister plans to provide credit facility for developers building subsidized apartment houses for the people.(DWA/IGT/T007)
"We hopes developers could build apartment houses with affordable prices for low income people," Pangihutan Manurung, a deputy at the office of the public housing minister, said here on Friday.
Procurement of affordable houses for low income people is in line with the law No. 20 of 2011, that should be complied with by everyone including developers, he said.
He said supply of low cost apartment houses falls much short of requirement as most developers choose to build only luxurious apartment that give higher profit.
He said in building low cost apartment houses, developers could cooperate with regional administrations, state companies or among private developers.
He said the office of the public housing minister plans to provide credit facility for developers building subsidized apartment houses for the people.(DWA/IGT/T007)
Editor : Nyoman Budhiana