Denpasar (Antara Bali) - The provincial administration of Bali said it would produce more cow breeders  through its program of integrated farming.
"With the program , more cow breeders will be produced.  Bali's cows are still high in demand," Bali governor Made Mangku Pastika said on Sunday.
There has been growing demand for larger quota of cows set aside for inter island trade,  Made said .
Currently the quota for  cows  to be shipped out of the province is 75,000 a year, much lower than the request for 200,000 cows,  he added.
A farm cooperative  is given  20 cow breeders  under the integrated program  launched by the provincial administration.
So far since  2009, there had been 300 units of  farm groups developed in Bali under the integrated framing program .  â€¨  

The farmers will benefit  not only from producing more cows  but also  from organic fertilizer  in cow dungs. The program is expected to increase the income and  improve the  welfare of the farmers, Made said.(*/M038/T007)


Editor : Nyoman Budhiana