Denpasar (Antara Bali) - Bali exported live decorative fish worth US$1.36 million in the eleven months through November last year, up 33.68 percent from US$1.02 million in the same period the year before.

"The live decorative fish exports increased by 31.05 percent in volume from 783,474 heads in the first eleven months of 2010 to 1.02 million heads in the same period last year," head of the public relations service at the Bali provincial government I Ketut Teneng said here on Saturday.

He said live decorative fish was among the province's eleven aquatic products that managed to penetrate the global market.

Decorative fish played a strategic role in supporting the province's fishery product exports which reached US$93.87 million in the January-November period 2011, he said.

The fishery product exports contributed 20.31 percent of the province's exports which reached US$462.16 million over the period, he said.(IGT)


Editor : Masuki