Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Indonesia and Japan, through the Indonesian
Ministry of Communication and Informatics and the Ministry of Internal
Affairs and Communications of Japan, held a bilateral meeting to discuss
the continuation of cooperation in the field of information and
communication technology (ICT).
"As a follow-up to the Memorandum of Understanding of Cooperation signed by the minister (of Indonesian communications and informatics) in 2015, some fields have been decided to be included for cooperation, including the broadcasting program for broadcasting to rural regions," Director General of Post and Informatics Provider of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Ahmad M Ramli said In Jakarta on Tuesday.
The bilateral meeting, in the framework of the 5th Indonesia-Japan ICT Joint Working Group, discussed a number of cooperation issues in ICT.
Ramli stated that in the field of broadcasting, both parties have conducted a number of One Seg TV trials. One Seg TV technology is the infrastructure for broadcasting TV in the suburbs that are not covered by TV signals.
Through the One Seg TV, national television broadcasts can be tuned in areas that are not yet covered by signal or electricity.
There are suburbs that have conducted trials on One Seg TV technology, one of which is in Biak, Papua. Therefore, both parties agreed to conduct an evaluation and feasibility study on the trial during the bilateral meeting.
"We will later evaluate whether the trial can be applied to us with the Japanese aid scheme," he remarked. (WDY)
"As a follow-up to the Memorandum of Understanding of Cooperation signed by the minister (of Indonesian communications and informatics) in 2015, some fields have been decided to be included for cooperation, including the broadcasting program for broadcasting to rural regions," Director General of Post and Informatics Provider of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Ahmad M Ramli said In Jakarta on Tuesday.
The bilateral meeting, in the framework of the 5th Indonesia-Japan ICT Joint Working Group, discussed a number of cooperation issues in ICT.
Ramli stated that in the field of broadcasting, both parties have conducted a number of One Seg TV trials. One Seg TV technology is the infrastructure for broadcasting TV in the suburbs that are not covered by TV signals.
Through the One Seg TV, national television broadcasts can be tuned in areas that are not yet covered by signal or electricity.
There are suburbs that have conducted trials on One Seg TV technology, one of which is in Biak, Papua. Therefore, both parties agreed to conduct an evaluation and feasibility study on the trial during the bilateral meeting.
"We will later evaluate whether the trial can be applied to us with the Japanese aid scheme," he remarked. (WDY)
Editor : Edy M Yakub