Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The demolition of the Kalijodo red-light district in North Jakarta took place on Monday without any hitch or resistance from the local residents, according to Metro Jaya Police Spokesman Adjunct Senior Commissioner Mohammad Iqbal.

"The demolition that took place since 7 a.m. local time today went off safely and smoothly without any resistance from the local community," Iqbal remarked on Monday.

He said that Jakarta's government officials, supported by six thousand combined personnel of the Metro Jaya Police and Kodam Jaya Military, had demolished unauthorized buildings used as places of prostitution and residential areas.

Mayor of North Jakarta Rustam Efendi remarked that the six thousand combined personnel comprised the municipal police and military.

"Today, we demolished the Kalijodo red-light district by deploying 12 bulldozers to raze down the area," Efendi noted. (WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara