Jakarta (Antara Bali) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) regrets Friday's incident in Tolikara, Papua, and apologized for the occurrence, according to his special staff member, Lenis Kogoya.

"The president regretted and conveyed his apology to the residents affected by the incident," Lenis said during a press conference at the State Secretariat building here on Saturday.

Lenis noted that he reported the incident to President Jokowi through his private secretary and to the cabinet secretary on Friday night.

According to Lenis, the government will soon rebuild the damaged houses, along with a market that was destroyed during the Friday incident.

Earlier, Vice President Jusuf Kalla also expressed his regret over the conflict.

According to a report he received, the conflict was a result of a misunderstanding among inter-religious groups in the district.

After attending an open house at the Vice Presidential Palace on Friday, National Police Chief General Badrodin Haiti explained the conditions following the incident.

He noted that the situation is under control and that there was no need to increase the forces deployed to maintain security conditions there. (WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara