Denpasar (Antara Bali) - Indonesia is one of the largest producers of aquaculture in the world, Aquaculture Director General Slamet Soebjakto said.

In 2014, Indonesia`s production of aquaculture reached 14.52 million tons and it hopes to continue to boost the production, Slamet said Tuesday.

The country could boost production of aquaculture by utilizing its potential breeding grounds both fresh water, brackish water and sea water, he said on the sidelines of the opening of the 26th NACA Governing Council Meeting (GCM 26)" in Sanur, Bali.

He said in 2015, the country`s production target for aquaculture is set at 17.91 million tons and he said he is optimistic the target could be met with hard work and cooperation with neighboring countries.

He said the government could expand regional cooperation in aquaculture development as a member of the "Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia Pacific (NACA)".

"Indonesia`s membership in NACA is in line with the concept of integrated aquaculture development in the village areas and diversification of aquaculture products," he said.

He said development of aquaculture is important as it involved many members of rural community.

Indonesia as one of the world`s largest producers of aquaculture should take leading position in NACA and take advantage of transfer of technology through the organization, he said.

He said Indonesia joined NACA in 2005 and the country has benefited from being member of the organization.

"Indonesia received support in eradicating Koi Herpes Virus (KHV) in 2009," he cited.

In addition, Indonesia received updated information about fish and shrimp disease in Asia Pacific, allowing the country to take preventive measures against Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS)that Indonesia remains free from EMS until now, he said. (WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara