Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Indonesia will remain consistent in fighting drug crimes due to the adverse impact on its citizens, according to Foreign Affairs Minister Retno L.P. Marsudi.

"I have been in touch twice with the Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, and we are consistently communicating with each other. I believe that the Indonesian policy is not against any country but is against drug crimes," Retno remarked in the meeting room of the House of Representatives' Commission I here on Thursday.

She made the statement before a hearing with the House's Commission I at the Nusantara II building. The foreign affairs minister explained that drug crimes in Indonesia are increasing at an alarming rate. In the past, Indonesia was used as transit country by drug traffickers, but now, it has become a drug trafficking destination.

"Do we have to allow drug crimes to persist in Indonesia? Then how much should we pay for such kind of crimes," she questioned.

Australia has been seeking clemency for the two drug smugglers of the so-called Bali Nine gang, who were arrested in 2005 on charges of smuggling heroin into Australia, but Bishop stated that Indonesia had not been receptive to its pleas.

She noted that the Australian Government will continue to seek reprieve for its two citizens: Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran who have been awarded death penalty. The two Australian men are expected to be among the next group of prisoners on death row in Indonesia after their pleas for clemency were rejected. (WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara