Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The government plans to use railway transport service for the distribution of essential goods to cut logistic cost.

Logistic cost has been the main factor behind the  prices of essential  goods soaring high  in the consumers market, Trade Minister Rachmat Gobel said here on Friday.

Rachmat Gobel said logistic cost in Indonesia is among the highest  in ASEAN around 20-30 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product.

Based on Logistics Performance Index 2014 of the World Bank , the Indonesian logistic performance was the 53th in the world as against Singapore  the fifth, Malaysia the 25th , Thailand the 35th  and  Vietnam  the 48th, he said.  

He said he would discuss the matter with the transport minister how best to utilize the railway transport which would be faster and more cost efficient.

He said the plan would certainly need supporting facilities such as warehouses for storage in railway stations .

"The plan has to be running in 2015," he said.

He said currently cost of distribution of essential goods is too high around 17-20 percent of price.

Therefore, the trade ministry would seriously study the possibility of utilizing the railway transport for farm products to the consumers' market, he said.  

"The transport cost is too high around 17-20 percent not to mention delay  in the transport because of traffic jams that would need extra cost," he said. (WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara