Ambon, Maluku (Antara Bali) - Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti welcomed a program to establish Maluku as a national fish barn (LIN) in Indonesia which had been championed by the Maluku provincial government and Legislative Council (DPRD).
“We had conducted a meeting with the minister in Jakarta and after hearing the program, she responded it graciously,†said head of Maluku Legislative Council (DPRD), Edwin Adrian Huwae, in Ambon on Tuesday.
To follow up the program, the minister was scheduled to conduct a working visit to Maluku in December 2014.
Maluku has 1.63 tons fish-catch potential per year, but only around 341,966 tons or 21 percent that have been utilized and the figure does not include the potential of aquaculture production.
Subsequently Maluku wide geographical condition which largely consists of sea becomes one of the reasons to accelerate national fish barn policy in order to boost regional and national economy. (WDY)
Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara