Next President Should Continue Pro-People Programs

Minggu, 27 April 2014 12:44 WIB

Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The next president who is elected in the upcoming presidential race should continue pro-people programs laid down by the government of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, a participant of a presidential candidate convention said.

"Whoever is elected president needs to pay attention to the foundation that had been laid down by the government of President Yudhoyono," Dino Patti Djalal, a participant of the ruling Democratic Party (PD)s presidential candidate convention, said here on Saturday night.

Dino who made the statement in press released said that it was important for the next government to maintain the continuation of development and the pro-people policies.

In his visits to 30 cities to directly communicate with the people over the past three months, Dino said he found that the people consistently voice their aspirations regarding the pro-people programs.

"They want that the pro-people program to be continued. They are generally afraid if the polices are halted," he said.

He said that should there be pro-people programs which had not yet been implemented, they asked that the programs would be improved and implemented.

"I understand this as a voice of their honest aspirations," Dino, who is also a former Indonesian ambassador to the United States said.

The pro-people programs included education improvement scheme, smallholders credit scheme (KUR), school operational assistance (BOS), rice for the poor scheme (Raskin), national program for people empowerment (PNPM), rural agribusiness development program (PUAP), rural infrastructure development program (PPIP), village fish pond development program (PUMP) and health insurance scheme (Jamkesmas).

In the meantime, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said achievements that had been made in development must be increased and the remaining problems must be resolved.

"What has been well achieved must be maintained and increased," the President said on his twitter account on Sunday.

He said that the remaining problem must, on the other hand, be corrected and overcome.

On a number of occasions, President Yudhoyono said that in the past 10 years (of his administration) a lot of achievements had been made in development programs.

However, there must also be shortcomings that have to be overcome by the next government.

Yudhoyono who has served for two terms since 2004 will end his government next October 2014.

The legislative elections were held last April 9 while the upcoming presidential elections will be organized on July 9, 2014. (WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara



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