Kotabaru (Antara Bali) - State-owned oil and gas company Pertamina is planning to build an oil refinery plant in Kotabaru District, South Kalimantan, Kotabaru District Head Irhami Ridjani said.

"Pertamina has included Kotabaru as one of its locations to build oil refinery plants," Pertamina's Vice President for Asset Management Ghatot Harsono was quoted as saying by Irhami here on Saturday.

Irham hailed the Pertamina plan to build new oil refinery plant in the district.

He said that Kotabaru had deep sea waters and was used as an international shipping lane. This enabled large tonnage of ships to moor at its seaport.

"I have asked the village administration officials to prepare the required conditions for the development of an oil refinery plant in Kotabaru," the district head said.

Pertamina currently operates six refineries with a total unit capacity of up to one million barrels of crude oil per day. (*/DWA)


Editor : Masuki