Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Chief Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa has asked the ministry of agriculture and the ministry of trade to improve a number of regulations on horticultural products, including onions in an effort to stabilize price fluctuations.

"I appeal to the agriculture and trade ministers to meet as soon as possible so that they could improve the agriculture and trade ministers' regulations, particularly with regard to garlic so that supply would meet demand," the coordinating minister for economic affairs said at the Presidential Office here on Wednesday.

Hatta said that import restriction on garlic was not at the correct time now because farmers at home could only supply about 5 percent of the domestic need.

"It is quite unreasonable if garlic price contributed 0.17-021 percent of the inflation in February which was 0.75 percent. We should therefore, overcome this problem through a bilateral meeting between the minister of agriculture and the minister of trade today," Hatta said. (*/T007)


Editor : Nyoman Budhiana