Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The Indonesian currency rupiah weakened against the US dollar  here on Wednesday  on negative global sentiment.

The currency traded  in inter-bank transactions at 9,624 to the dollar weakening losing 9 points from the level of 9,615 earlier.

Trust Securities' analyst  Reza Priyambada attributed the rupiah fall to negative sentiment from Spain and lack of aggressiveness in the Fed policy.

Reza said  Spain was reported to soon propose for bailout fund but realization is expected only by the end of October after regional  election in that country  and the European Union summit meeting on Oct. 18.

Meanwhile, Milenium Danatama Sekuritas' analyst  Abidin  said rupiah still has room for strengthening against the US dollar with foreign capital continuing to flow into the country. (IGT)


Editor : Masuki