Jayapura (Antara Bali) - An unidentified armed group shot a policeman to death here Tuesday at about 10.30 am local time, a police spokesman said.

Head of public relations officer of Papua police office, senior commissioner Yohannes Nugroho confirmed that Brigadier Yohan Kasiwatoi was shot to death by an unidentified armed group at the Enarotali airport.

The incident happened when Brigadier Yohan Kasiwatoi was washing a car at one end of the airport runway in Paniai district, Papua province.

Prior to the incident, Brigadier Yohan Kasiwatoi was accompanied by First Brigadier Gustab Wartanoi, but Gustav went somewhere to buy food, he said.

Yohan Kasiwatoi was shot to death while his friend (First Brigadier Gustab Wartanoi) was away, the spokesman said.(IGT)


Editor : Masuki