Denpasar (Antara Bali) - Drama Gong parade, presented by Seka Drama Kuta Cita Budaya Banjar Uma Kuta Pejeng, will be performed in the 22nd Bali Art Festival XXXIV at the Denpasar cultural center on Monday (July 2).
The Drama Gong, which would start the show at 08.00 p.m. local time, was one of the five art performances presented in the annual art festival in Bali, said an official of the Bali Tourism and Cultural Office, I Wayan Dauh, here Sunday.
Wayan Dauh said Drama Gong was one of Balinese traditional arts which became famous on the early days of the festival and made people stay up at night on the opening of the festival.
Drama Gong is a collaboration of almost all types of arts, including music, which creates jokes to make people laugh, but still in frame of art ethics.
The drama became popular in the 1970s to 1980s, making the Balinese people addicted to watch the show. But since the 2000s, the art performance was rarely performed.
Besides Drama Gong, Wayan added, the opening of the festival would present four other art performances, started by dance performance from Sanggar Siwer Nadi Swara Denpasar at 11.00 am local time, followed by an art development show from Banjar Geladag at 04.00 pm.
Dance performance Calonarang by Gita Mahardika, would be performed in the evening after the Drama Gong.
Drama Gong is an art performance which combines elements of modern drama (non traditional Balinese) and traditional Balinese arts. In so many ways Drama Gong is a mixture of modern theater (West) and a traditional theater (Bali).(*/T007)
The Drama Gong, which would start the show at 08.00 p.m. local time, was one of the five art performances presented in the annual art festival in Bali, said an official of the Bali Tourism and Cultural Office, I Wayan Dauh, here Sunday.
Wayan Dauh said Drama Gong was one of Balinese traditional arts which became famous on the early days of the festival and made people stay up at night on the opening of the festival.
Drama Gong is a collaboration of almost all types of arts, including music, which creates jokes to make people laugh, but still in frame of art ethics.
The drama became popular in the 1970s to 1980s, making the Balinese people addicted to watch the show. But since the 2000s, the art performance was rarely performed.
Besides Drama Gong, Wayan added, the opening of the festival would present four other art performances, started by dance performance from Sanggar Siwer Nadi Swara Denpasar at 11.00 am local time, followed by an art development show from Banjar Geladag at 04.00 pm.
Dance performance Calonarang by Gita Mahardika, would be performed in the evening after the Drama Gong.
Drama Gong is an art performance which combines elements of modern drama (non traditional Balinese) and traditional Balinese arts. In so many ways Drama Gong is a mixture of modern theater (West) and a traditional theater (Bali).(*/T007)