Semarang (Antara Bali) - WBA Champion Chris John will apply the counter boxing technique when facing his Japanese opponent Shoji Kimora during a title fight at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore on May 5, 2012.
"I would still apply my own boxing style, namely counter boxing when facing Kimora who is a boxer style fighter," Chris John said in Semarang Friday night.
Dubbed "The Dragon", he will wait for his opponent to attack and then hit him back quickly, he said.
"His training and manager, Craig Christian, is still trying to get a record of a fight with Shoji Kimora for detailed study," he said.
The boxer with a record of 46 wins (including 22 with KOs), and two even, said the present training is still physical.(IGT)
"I would still apply my own boxing style, namely counter boxing when facing Kimora who is a boxer style fighter," Chris John said in Semarang Friday night.
Dubbed "The Dragon", he will wait for his opponent to attack and then hit him back quickly, he said.
"His training and manager, Craig Christian, is still trying to get a record of a fight with Shoji Kimora for detailed study," he said.
The boxer with a record of 46 wins (including 22 with KOs), and two even, said the present training is still physical.(IGT)
Editor : Masuki