Security Minister To Visit West Papua

Pewarta :

Security Minister To Visit West Papua

Manokwari, W Papua (Antara Bali) - Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security Affairs Luhut Binsar Panjaitan is expected to undertake a working visit to West Papua Province on Saturday.

Spokesman of the West Papua provincial government Musa Kamodi remarked here on Friday that the security minister was paying a visit to pay heed to the aspirations and issues related to the implementation of development projects in the province.

Kamodi said Panjaitan is scheduled to arrive in Manokwari on Saturday after carrying out the same agenda in Merauke District, Papua Province.

The spokesman expressed hope that the coordinating minister for politics, law and security affairs will take time out to engage in a dialog with several regional, community, religious, and traditional leaders.

Kamodi revealed that the minister will be in Manokwari for a day, but his visit is expected to be beneficial for the area's development.

The spokesman added that the minister will be accompanied by nine central government officials, one of them being Head of the National Development Planning Board Sofyan Djalil. (WDY)
Editor: I Gusti Bagus Widyantara