International Labor Leader to Fight for Indonesian Workers

Pewarta :

International Labor Leader to Fight for Indonesian Workers

Jakarta (Antara Bali) - An international labor leader has promised to fight for Indonesian workers on a global level in a bid to assure for all workers prosper.

Attending the International Labor Day, or May Day celebration at the Bung Karno sport stadium here on Friday, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Secretary General Sharan Burrow said he would fight for Indonesian workers.

"If any companies in Indonesia treats one of you unfairly, tell it to us, for we will fight for you," Burrow told thousands of Indonesian workers who took part in the celebration at the stadium.

He further called upon Indonesian workers to no longer tolerate companies that pay low wages, and encouraged workers to demand the government urge employers to pay them above the minimum wage.

"I am proud to stand with you, the workers. Now we jointly demand adequate wages. If you're strong, you are united, you are fantastic, and we will win," he remarked.

Jakarta Police Chief Inspector General Unggung Cahyono said Labor Day was celebrated peacefully in Jakarta.

"Labor Day was observed favorably, as there was no mass movement which might have raised concerns," Unggung noted here on Friday.

He added that police officers monitored about 56,000 workers who boarded some 459 buses and 94 private vehicles to places where they held rallies.

The Jakarta Police chief further said that the number of laborers who observed International Labor Day was smaller than expected.

It was earlier forecast that some 178,000 workers would stage rallies during May Day anniversary celebrations.

He also noted that the police did not secure the city¿s borders, as they did during May Day celebrations in 2014.

"It is different as compared to last year when the police secured the borders, as the city was open to laborers who came from outside Jakarta," he pointed out. (WDY)
Editor: I Gusti Bagus Widyantara