Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The Indonesian government and the European Union agreed to increase cooperation in commodities trade, such as palm oil and cocoa beans.
"Indonesia and the European Union will increase trade relations and follow up on trade negotiations," Vice President Jusuf Kalla said here on Monday.
The cooperation was intended to deal with the difference in the entry fees on commodities from Indonesia in EU countries.
"France imposes a higher entry fee on palm oil," the vice president said.
European Union Ambassador to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam Vincent Guerend met Vice President Jusuf Kalla to discuss about trade cooperation between the two parties.
With the new investment, Guerend noted, the companies of the EU could provide 1.1 million jobs for Indonesian people.
"Companies in Europe are ready to provide more than 1.1 million jobs in Indonesia. The EU is interested in investing in infrastructure, trade, financial services and tourism sector," the ambassador said.
The ambassador hoped that cooperation can improve economic growth in the EU as well as Indonesian region.
Indonesian commodities exported to Europe include oil palm, cocoa as well as the labor intensive manufactured goods.
Earlier, Indonesia said it will speed up negotiations on the Indonesia-European Union (EU) Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA).
Trade Minister Thomas Lembong said the two parties had discussed the implementation of the CEPA in a meeting with EU trade ministers during the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos last week.(WDY)