Jakarta (Antara Bali) -- The General Election Commission (KPU) appreciates the stance of the parliament, which approved the ratification of government regulation in lieu of law number 1 of 2014 regarding regional elections into law.
This government regulation in lieu of law (perppu) deals with the election of governors, district heads and mayors.
"We appreciate the approval granted by the House of Representatives (DPR) to government regulation in lieu of law number 1 of 2014. The perppu has been approved by the parliament," Commissioner of the KPU Hadar Nafis Gumay said here on Tuesday.
With regard to revising the law on the election of governors, district heads and mayors, the KPU plans to propose improvements to the parliament.
"We will hold a plenary meeting tomorrow, wherein we will discuss some points," he affirmed.
On Thursday, the commission will invite constitutional law expert Saldi Isra of Andalas University, legal expert Asep Yusuf Warlan of Parahyangan University, and advisor to the home minister for political affairs, and legal and institutional relations Zudan Arif Fakrulloh to prepare and discuss points for revision and improvement.
Moreover, Chairman of the KPU Husni Kamil Manik noted that the simplification of registration time and dispute resolution during elections could be among the improvements proposed to the DPR.
"We want to improve the election process and shorten the time taken by simplifying articles that are not needed," Manik explained. (WDY)