London (Antara Bali) - Indonesia and Norway have agreed to expand energy cooperation and business-to-business contacts in various sectors of energy development.

The agreement was reached during an Indonesia-Norway bilateral energy meeting in Stavanger recently, according to Hartyo Harkomoyo, spokesman of the Indonesian Embassy in Oslo.

Harkomoyo quoted Norwegian Oil and Energy Deputy Minister Ingvil Smines Tybring-Gjedde as saying at the meeting that the country was keen to share its expertise and experiences with Indonesia for the development of the energy sector.

In response to the statement of the Norwegian oil and energy deputy minister, Energy and Natural Resources Ministry's director for oil and gas development program Agus Cahyono Adi, who led the Indonesian delegation at the meeting, noted that Indonesia was ready to host the Indonesia-Norway energy dialog in March 2017.

Adi remarked that during the energy dialog, the two countries will discuss governance and regulation in oil and gas exploration, the use of Carbon Capture Storage technology and enhanced oil recovery to revive old wells, and the development of new and renewable energy, among others.

In the meantime, Indonesian Ambassador to Norway Yuwono A. Putranto said energy is one of the key areas of cooperation in the partnership between Indonesia and Norway.

In order to focus on the partnership, Indonesia and Norway have agreed on the mechanism to hold regular meetings through dialog in the energy sector every two years. (WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara