Jakarta (Antara Bali) - State-owned arms manufacturer PT Pindad has launched four new guns - assault gun SS3, subsonic 5.66 mm assault gun SS2, sub-machine gun and pistol G2 Premium - all products of its development efforts and innovation.

The guns were launched at the Ministry of Defense here on Thursday in the presence of Minister of Defense Ryamizard Ryacudu, State Enterprises Deputy Minister for Mining Service, Strategic Industries and Media, Fajar Harry Sampurno, a number of high ranking officials of the military and police forces, a number of defense attaches from friendly countries and board members of the shooting association, Perbakin.

 Pindad's president director Silmy Karim said the four guns were the result of serious and  unceasing efforts of Pindad. Inputs received from users were also incorporated in product development.

Minister Ryamizard stressed that Pindad should always work to stay in the forefront when it comes to producing arms, ammunition or armored vehicles.

"Pindad's capability to produce high quality arms equipment is proof that it has responded positively to the government's efforts to attain even better capabilities and become as advanced or even more than the arms industry in other countries." he stated.

He also disclosed that the Indonesian army's team that won the overall champion title, retaining it for the ninth time since 2008, at the Australian Army Skill-at-Arms Meeting  (AASAM) in Puckapunyal, Australia, in May 2016, had used arms produced by Pindad.

The Indonesian army also posted achievements at the ASEAN Army Rifle Meet (AARM) and Brunei International Skill-at-Arms Meet ( BISAM).

Silmy explained that SS3 is the upgraded version of SS2, using 7.62 mm caliber ammunition, and is designed as a Designated Marksman Riffle used by forces when high accuracy is needed.

The subsonic SS2, meanwhile, has been specially designed with a silencer and subsonic ammunition of 5.56 mm. Thus, it would be appropriate for special operations where silent maneuvering capability is required.

Sub-machine gun PM3 is designed to employ a system of gas shooting with 9 mm ammunition. PM3 is fit for close-range combat operations as well as operations to release hostages and for use in urban war.

Pistol G2 Premium employs a pistol frame and uses 9mm ammunition with an effective shooting capability range of 25 meters, intended for shooting athletes.

It is hoped the new arms products would help users repose even more trust in the products, he added. (WDY)

Pewarta: Reporting by Royke Sinaga

Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara