Ambon, Maluku (Antara Bali) - The Upstream  Oil and Gas Regulator (SKK Migas) has organized a discussion focused on  the multiplier effects of development of the Masela gas block on Maluku regional development program

Speaking at the discussion that took place recently at Pattimura University, were experts from SKK Migas, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB),  Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITS), University of Indonesia of Jakarta and Ambon Islamic Institute.

The discussion took place amid controversy over the location of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants to be built by Inpex Corp. that holds the contract to develop the block

Masela block is believed to hold one of the country's largest gas reserves but the  government has yet to give approval for the location of the plant.

The people of Maluku want the plant to be built onshore hoping to gain more from trickle down effect on the economy of region , which is among the poorest in the country.

On the contrary, the contractor considering the risk  and cost to be paid , wanted the plant to be built offshore.

An Inpex representative said the benefit for the local people is the same either the plant is to be built offshore or onshore.    

The island of Aru is  considered the most suitable place if the facility is to be built on shore.

If the facility is to be built onshore it would need to build 60 kilometer gas pipes to transport the gas from the drilling location offshore  to the island of Aru.

Apart from additional cost, the pipes would be vulnerable to destruction by earthquakes that frequently hit that area.

Independent consultants, citing risk of earthquake, have recommended  development of the LNG plant offshore as proposed by  Inpex and Shell, the operators/investors of the Masela block.

Based on the feasibility study by Inpex construction for the  Masela LNG plant, which will have an annual capacity of 7.5 million tons, would cost only about $14.8 billion, as against $22.3 billion if it is to be built onshore.

SKK Migas already approved the proposal but President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)  needs more time to make the final  decision. The president could not dismiss strong demand that the facility should be  built on shore.  

Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Resources Rizal Ramli said the multiplier impact on domestic industries would be much greater if the project was built onshore such as  on the Aru island.

Charles Anidla  from the Southwest  Maluku association of intellectuals (ICMBD)  said di Ambon, onshore LNG plant could be supplemented with a petrochemical industry complex on Aru Island or another island near the Abadi gas field,

He said construction of the plant on land is expected to serve as a milestone bringing modernity to the region and reducing the  poverty. (WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara