Tehran (Antara Bali/IRNA) - Spokesman for the Foreign Ministry Hossein Jaberi-Ansari condemned Thursday morning terrorist attacks in Jakarta, Indonesia, which claimed at least seven lives.

Jaberi-Ansari strongly slammed killing of the innocent people and expressed sympathy with families of the victims as well as the Indonesian nation and government.

"Committing such terrorist operations in a country like Indonesia where moderation is the major characteristic of its people and a country that is one of the pioneers of the UN peace-keeping missions throughout the world, has once more proved that terrorism and extremism know no border," said the spokesman.

He further called for taking serious actions against supporters of the terrorists and extremists and those who are promoting their ideology.

"Having a rich history of fighting against terrorism, Iran will stand by the Indonesian nation," Jaberi-Ansari said reiterating the necessity of uprooting terrorism from all over the world through a united and international fight against the vicious phenomenon of terrorism and extremism.

According to one of the eyewitnesses of the terrorist attacks in Jakarta, the first explosion occurred at 10:30 AM local time while six other blasts happened about 30 minutes later, local media reported.

After the first explosion, police forces and the terrorists got involved in a conflict; then the attackers detonated six other explosives.

Indonesia's Police Chief Badrodin Haiti had warned earlier of attacks on the shopping centers and police stations which he said have been planned by the extremists. (WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara