Surabaya, East Java (Antara Bali) - The Indonesian Usman Harun-359 warship is ready to take part in International Fleet Review (IFR) 2016 which will be held in India on February 4-8, 2016, the ship commander has stated.

"We are ready to display the original Indonesian cultural arts, such as the Ramayana ballet version of kecak Bali dance, musical performance keroncong that will accompany the Bengawan Solo song, as well as some typical dances of India," the ship commander, Navy Colonel Didong Rio Duta, pointed out the warship's plan here on Sunday.

According to Duta, commander of the 90m-long warship, over 50 delegations of Navy across the globe are expected to participate in the International Fleet Review (IFR) 2016.

KRI Usman Harun-359 operator has reported its readiness to commander of the Indonesian Eastern Fleet Commander, Rear Admiral Darwanto, in Surabaya, East Java, to leave for India in a bid to participate in the event.  (WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara