Washington DC (Antara Bali) - Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno LP Mardusi denied reports that PT Freeport would emerge in the agenda of talks between President Joko Widodo  and President Barack Obama when they meet here during the first visit of the Indonesian president to the United States later this month.

Retno told reporters in a news conference here on Sunday Indonesia would not discuss Freeport issue .

"Reports here have said that President Joko Widodo would have  breakfast with PT Freeport. I want to say that it is not true," she said.

What is true is that President Jokowi would have business meeting with hundreds of US business leaders, but Freeport is not included.

"We come here as a big country , therefore, the visit to the United States is expected to benefit not only the two countries but the whole world," she added.

She said economic issue would be top on the agenda of talks to held President Jokowi during his visit to the United States until 30 October 2015. (WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara