Jakarta (Antara Bali) - President Joko Widodo is urged to pick non career candidate for a new attorney general to replace Basrief Arief , who is retiring this month.

Human rights activist Hendardi, chairman of the Setara Institute, said he was apathetic with those in the Attorney General office.

He said many of those in the attorney general office were responsible for a number of human rights cases remaining unsettled until today.

"Every time that a new attorney general is needed, there is always urgent call for recruiting an outsider to fill the job. But the internal circles always say that non career candidate would not fit for the job as he or she would not understand the internal affairs," he said.

He said the new attorney general must have the courage to bring to the open unsettled human rights cases of the past.

The criteria of an ideal attorney general are having strong commitment to settling the past human rights cases and uprooting corruption

"Looking for one with the gut to bring to court human right criminal suspects is indeed not easy," he said.

President Joko Widodo is yet to find the right man to be attorney general and head of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN).

The plan is the names would announced this week. (WDY)


Editor : I Gusti Bagus Widyantara