Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The Indonesia Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) ended its national congress here on Sunday without naming a presidential candidate for the 2014 election.

"The meeting recommended that the PDIP chief announce the party's presidential candidate in the right time. Currently, we are focusing on legislative election which will also take place next year," Head of PDIP's faction in the parliament Puan Maharani said here on Sunday.

Rumors had it that PDIP as an opposition party would name its presidential candidate during the September congress. Jakarta's Governor Joko Widodo or Jokowi had been rumored to be the figure whom PDIP would support for presidential bid.

The presidential election is scheduled to be held after the parliamentary elections in April next year. Several parties have already announced their candidates, including PDIP`s strong rival, Golkar Party, which has chosen its general chairperson Aburizal Bakrie to run for president. (*/M038)


Editor : M. Irfan Ilmie