Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Energy and Mineral Resources Deputy Minister Susilo Siswoutomo promised that his office will recommend the royalty increase of coal mining permit to 10-13 percent in January 2014.

"The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry has planned to recommend the royalty increase of coal mining permit from the current 3.5-7 percent to 10-13 percent in January 2014 and will be included in the next year's state budget," he said in a hearing with the House of Representatives or DPR's Commission XI regarding the optimization of budgets revenue budgets.

According to him, recommendation on the royalty increase of coal mining permit including export duties application cannot be conducted this year due to the current coal declining price.

"Many companies have stopped operating, so if the royalty increase of coal mining permit and export duties are imposed, it will be very detrimental to companies. So, we haven't yet conveyed such recommendation," Susilo said.

Finance minister, Chatib Basri, meanwhile expressed his readiness to set target of royalty increase of the coal mining permit if the Energy and Mineral Resources ministry issued royalty increase of the coal mining permit.

In the meantime, the House of Representatives or DPR's commission XI hearing came to conclusion that the government was trying to raise the country's income originating from Directorate General of Customs and Excise and Directorate General of Taxation worth Rp5.5 trillion. (*/DWA)


Editor : Dewa Sudiarta Wiguna