Jakarta (Antara Bali) - The Indonesian Corruption Watch said the prosecution office has not enforced law court verdicts on 57 corruption convicts.

The convicts are from areas under the legal authority of 12 high prosecution offices in the country, an ICW leader Emerson F Yuntho said when meeting deputy Attorney General Darmono together with the Coalition of Anti Corruption Civil Community here on Tuesday.

Emerson said 23 of the 57 corruption convicts escaped arrest and became law fugitives and more than 30 others have not served their jail term for a number of reasons.

The largest number or 22 of the convicts are in Central Java, with Jakarta having six, Riau five and East Java two convicts.

Giving an example, Emerson said regent of Aru Islands, Teddy Tengko, who was found guilty in a Rp42 billion corruption case, is still until today enjoying normal life out of jail.

On December 12 last year a group 12 sympathizers of Teddy Tengko foiled an attempt to arrest him by the prosecution office at Jakarta's Soekarno Hatta airport. (*/M038)


Editor : M. Irfan Ilmie