Semarang (Antara Bali) - The Central Java Diponegoro Military Command IV's military police here on Tuesday issued the initials of Kopassus members involved in the raid of a penitentiary in Cebongang, Sleman, Yogyakarta, on March 23.

"The TNI (military) members who have been named suspects in the case are now held in Semarang for investigation," the command spokesman, Col Widodo Raharjo, said.

They are second sergeant US, first sergeant S, first sergeant TJ, first sergeant AR, second sergeant SS, first sergeant MRPB, first sergeant HS, second sergeant IS, first corporal K, major sergeant R and major sergeant MR, he said.

He said their investigation had already been carried out since Monday by the command's military police.

He said investigation of 11 prison officers had also been done while investigation of 31 inmates in the penitentiary still had yet to be carried out. (IGT)


Editor : Masuki