Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Despite the statement made by the North Korean authorities that it cannot ensure the safety of foreigners after April 10, Indonesia is not yet evacuating its citizens from the country, Michael Tene, a spokesman of the foreign affairs ministry, said.

"We are still observing the situation in North Korea. Of course the ministry and staff at our embassy in Pyongyang have an evacuation plan, but we have not yet used the plan," he said here on Saturday.

According to the ministry's data there are 30 Indonesians living in North Korea, most of them are diplomats and their families.

The warning was made by North Korean authorities following the rising tension in the Korean peninsula recently.

North Korea has said it cannot assure the safety of embassies in Pyongyang after April 10, and has urged Britain, Russia and other European nations to evacuate diplomatic staff amid soaring nuclear tensions. (*/DWA)


Editor : Masuki