Nunukan (Antara Bali) - The fish price jumped sharply at Yamaker Market in Nunukan District, East Kalimantan, in the last four days because of the lack of supply from Tawau Malaysia.

A fishmonger in Yamaker Market Mustan said that the lack of supply caused fish scarcity, so the price of fish sharply increased from Rp15 thousand to Rp25 thousand per kilogram.

"The number of fish sellers is very small because there is no fish. That's why fish prices go up like this," he said.

He said the lack of fish supply from Malaysia was due to the weather conditions which enter the bright moon season, a time when   the number of fishermen of Tawau who went fishing was very small.

He added that of the 30 fish traders in the market, only about six people sold fish. (*/DWA/IGT)


Editor : Masuki