Sukabumi, W Java (Antara Bali) - Floods have washed away four bridges across three sub-districts in Sukabumi district, West Java province, according to a local official.

"Two bridges collapsed in Warungkiara, followed by one in Bantargadung and another in Cisolok," Sukabumi disaster mitigation agency spokesman Usman Susilo said here on Thursday.

"All the four bridges, built over big rivers, were suspension bridges constructed by the local community, with financial assistance from the government," he noted.

Usman pointed out that several other bridges in Sukabumi were also damaged by the floods. In Indramayu district, West Java province, the floods submerged many hectares of paddy fields.

"Rice farmers were forced to postpone their planting activities due to the flood," said Rastim, a local farmer, in Soge village, Kandanghaur sub-district, Indramayu.(*/DWA)


Editor : Masuki