Balikpapan (Antara Bali) - Customs officers in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, have aborted an attempt to smuggle 2.08 kilograms of methamphetamine into Indonesia.

"We have arrested a male suspect, FS, who is 33 years old," said the head of Balikpapan customs service, Djanurindro Wibowo, in Semayang on Thursday.

Djanurindro's staff, who is part of the Customs Narcotic Team, was suspicious of a package of car pistons from Noori Deep, sent from Gagan Garima Complex, 3rd Floor, 301 Mumbai, India.

The package was sent to Sudirman at Jalan AMD, 35 Sungai Ampal, RT44 No.07m, RW 015, Sumber Rejo, Balikpapan, through a private courier service. "We opened the package and realised that behind 12 pistons, there was white flour. The white flour was methamphetamine," Djanurindro said.

Then, the East Kalimantan regional police command's narcotic unit arrested FS. "He is a freelance mechanic," said Adjunct Senior Commissioner Yospeh Wihastono, acting director of narcotic crime investigation at the East Kalimantan regional police command.

Yospeh Wihastono said if the suspect is found guilty, he could be sentenced to a maximum of 20 years in prison, or a minimum of six years in prison, with a fine of Rp10 billion (maximum). (IGT/T007)


Editor : Nyoman Budhiana