Jakarta (Antara Bali) - Four Cambodian soldiers have graduated from the 92nd Command Education of the Indonesian Army's Special Force (Kopassus) which was held for a period of seven months, the special force spokesman said.

Kopassus Spokesman Major (inf.) Achmad Munir said here on Sunday that the four soldiers of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces were part of the 165 army soldiers who finished their education at the Kopassus' Command Course.

The best graduate status was won by among others Second Lt. Denny Sopyan of the lower commissioned officers group, Second Sergeant Bambang SB of the higher non-commissioned officers group and Second Private Anas Rifai of the lower non-commissioned officers level.

Kopassus Commandant General Maj. Gen. Agus Sutomo officially closed the training course at the Cilacap Permisan beach in Central Java. The closing was marked by a dawn  maneuver attack by Command Group (Seruko) which was the final part of the Command Course and Education series.

Agus said that the success to become a command soldier should become something to be proud of because not all soldiers taking part in the training could be successful in becoming a command soldier.(*/T007)


Editor : Nyoman Budhiana